Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Another hit on our hands.

It looks like our new "Across the Univers" shirt is going to be as successful as our first, "Helvetica Neue Descending a T-shirt." The Google alerts and the sales and the stats tell me people like it.

Several of our customers from the first offering have purchased the Univers shirt. What's embarrassing is that I'm running this business out of an Entourage (for Mac, of course) mailbox labyrinth, with nothing whatsoever resembling a database. Fortunately I did recognize several names and was able to say thanks again, good to see you back. But a few wrote back when I asked how they found us saying, "er, I bought the first one. Are you ever going to send us e-mails telling us about the new stuff?"

Likewise our PayPal cart must go. I'm aware that it can cost one sales and the antiquated record keeping systems and laborious mailing label drill are a nightmare.

Learning about the vagaries of e-mail law and best practices as well as proper html e-mail coding was a hurdle but we're finally about to write our customers, thank them for their loyalty and finally establish the yet to be named club of early responders.

We've got a contest going to name the club and will be giving away shirts to the winners and runners up. And most of all we want to vow to our customers and fans that we'll do a better job of keeping in touch.

My design firm got very busy at the same time TypographyShop was taking off. It took us awhile to get this second shirt up there. Much longer than we'd have liked. But good stuff is happening. We'll tell you more as soon as we can.

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